Saturday, February 4, 2023

Why Do Mens Like Bikes So Much ?

A fanatic rider Usually, all men like bikes and some of them are even mad about them. Whether it’s about owning a new cool model of Kawasaki Ninja or performing cool stunts on a dirt bike, they are completely fanatic about them, and sometimes even their whole life revolves around their bikes. By listening to a number of crazy riders, I realized how a bike is just not a two-wheel vehicle for them. Their souls are connected to their motorcycles and they have sometimes even gone out of their ways for their bikes. Bikes as hobbies Stunting: Guys are often intrigued by the scope of action a bike provides like no other vehicle. Stunting can become anyone’s favorite pastime hobby and source of thrill and joy. The thrill a guy gets while stunting by the rush of adrenaline through his veins gives him a pleasure that can’t be replaced by any other feeling in the world. They also form an immaculate grip on their bikes through such action and practice allowing the scope of taking more risk and thus seeking more thrill. Touring: Guys enjoy touring in groups. What else a man needs more than the company of his adventurous friends and his dear bike? They tour together over dusty lanes, smooth highways, mountainous routes and what not! A guy who loves traveling (who doesn’t?) would definitely fall in love with touring and his bike which provides as the best means to get anywhere anytime. When you’re on a bike, your inanimate surroundings seem to have become alive. Even the simplest of the things intrigue you. The sky seems to have got a fresh color. The wind pa
ssing by feels like it’s kissing you. Your goal is not the destination but the ride itself. Even when you slip while riding, you’d never check how hurt you are, being a true lover of your bike, but first get hold of your bike and check how much damage the fall had caused to it. The injury you get never really matters to you then, but if your bike is hurt, you do feel sorry. What makes them love bikes? Whenever someone asks any rider why he loves bikes, he falls into the nostalgia of those moments of thrill and action he’d with his beloved bike. It’s almost like reminding a lover of his ladylove. That’s how much their bikes mean to them! It’s really hard to explain. Those feelings are too wide to be summed up in simple words. But of course riding has amazing benefits associated with it which make those moments precious and unforgettable: Speed: What man doesn’t like being in action? There’s literally nothing faster than a bike. Either you get him a roller coaster or you get him a bike, both stand for speed to him. The rush, the adrenaline, the action, the liveliness of those moments is all priceless. Men clearly are fanatic for speed so are they for


Why Do Mens Like Bikes So Much ?

A fanatic rider Usually, all men like bikes and some of them are even mad about them. Whether it’s about owning a new cool model of Kawas...